May 10, 2021

As we know, Mother’s Day is a day to recognize the hard work of moms and celebrate how we create, birth, and shape the next generation.
But…shouldn’t we be doing that everyday?
And hasn’t the past year highlighted that our culture actually doesn’t care about mother’s or parents?
We need support. And some of that starts with us.
We need to get comfortable with asking for what we need and teaching our partners, ourselves, and our communities how to support us.
We deserve this.
As you may or may not know, I recently took four days and three nights away BY MYSELF! It was incredibly restorative, inspiring, and enlightening. It felt so good to rest, be quiet, and miss my boys.
In this week’s podcast I dive into what inspired me during my days in the Berkshires and also talk about…are you ready for it?…
Pstprtm is a media company and community space devoted to revolutionizing the postpartum experience.
As editor-in-chief(!!!) I will be gathering diverse, unfiltered articles to help support and educate about postpartum, what the hell is going on, and various options we have to get the support and care we need. I go into more detail about pstprtm, our mission, and my magical co founders Anne Omland, and Blair Badenhop.
I am beyond excited about this venture and to be writing more.
Do you have a story you feel inspired to share? Are you an expert in women’s health and wellness? We are looking for contributors, check out www.pstprtm.com
- Check us out and consider writing for us: www.pstprtm.com
- Follow us on instagram @pstprtm
- Learn more about Anne Omland on instagram @wearemamakind and www.mamkind.co
- Learn more about Blair Badenhop on instagram @blairbadenhop and www.blairbadenhop.com
- Download your FREE guide to the 20 Things No One Tells You About Pregnancy and Postpartum, visit www.alissa-alter.com.
- Join our private Facebook community Mom’s Club for the community of like minded, intentional moms hanging out in a 100% judgement free zone you’ve always dreamed of.
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