June 21, 2021

I’m particularly inspired by the conversations I had with Reema Zaman in Love Is Better than Perfect and last week’s episode with Lisa Gajda, Meeting The Mother Inside Me.
I’m in a new season of life. I mean, we all are.
For me, I am new to this motherhood, covid, post covid(?) world.
I’m a newborn again.
And while this isn’t my first rodeo as a newborn (My actual birth in 1984, my divorce in 2015, and when I become a mother in 2019), everything is just as brand new.
And as I explore and learn and grow, I am getting to know this world, myself, and my place in this world.
Just like Everett.
Everett approaches each day with curiosity.
Maybe his toy is in a new spot and performs differently over here.
The flowers are blooming so the sidewalk looks different.
He’s got some new teeth so suddenly carrots are a lot easier to manage.
He approaches every experience with fresh eyes and an open mind.
And as we get older and gather experiences, knowledge, and wisdom we stop seeing the world with fresh eyes.
We make assumptions.
We stop living actively and start living passively.
I often catch myself saying to Pilates clients: “Are you practicing Pilates or is Pilates happening to you?”
And what I’m really saying is: “Are you present? In your body? In your life? In the world? Or are you floating through trying not to leave a mark?”
A lot of us are floating. I spent a long time floating…and then I landed.
Now I’m here to ruffle feathers. Make an impact. Leave a mess behind me. There will be no question whether or not Alissa Alter was here.
Because I am here.
Reborn again and looking at the work with fresh eyes and an open mind.
I mentioned I am reading Adam Grant’s book Think Again and it’s all about this. Rethinking things. Because if we are really living life, we are constantly changing and growing. And what worked before may no longer serve us. There may be another, better, more accurate approach. But if we aren’t paying attention, we will miss it.
We will miss a lot of things.
Children, with their extraordinary presence and lack of expectations easily and freely take their next right step. Whatever that may be. They aren’t doing it to please us or anyone else but themselves.
And they don’t stop moving. They keep taking steps and the world unfolds in front of them.
Blossoming one petal at a time 😉
So I ask you, what’s your next step? How are you going to step into being active in your life and move out of being passive? Are you living your life or is it all just happening to you?
- MoM Episode 09: Love Is Better Than Perfect with Reema Zaman
- MoM Episode 11: Meeting The Mother Inside Me with Lisa Gajda
- Click here to listen to original version of Paradise By The Dashboard Light
- Click here to hear the full version of the intro to Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
- Download your FREE guide to the 20 Things No One Tells You About Pregnancy and Postpartum, visit www.alissa-alter.com.
- Join our private Facebook community Mom’s Club for the community of like minded, intentional moms hanging out in a 100% judgement free zone you’ve always dreamed of.
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