October 11, 2021

Today is the second anniversary of Everett’s entrance to this world! The second anniversary of my rectovaginal birth, the anniversary of Everett joining our family, and two years of growing, exploring, and learning.
I obviously have so many feelings about the past two years. Becoming a mother right before lockdown and throughout a pandemic, how he’s grown, how I’ve grown, and how Jeremy is still everything I never knew I could wish for.
And I had a lot of ideas of what to do for this episode. Write a letter to Everett and record it. Dig deeper into all the LESSONS I’ve learned. Celebrate how magical he is. Blah blah blah. It’s true, but we’ve also heard it all before.
And being Everett’s mom isn’t ALL sunshine and magic. It’s also not ALL trauma and resentment.
It’s both! And everything in between all the time.
But again, you know this. We don’t have to talk about that because you can talk about that anywhere and everywhere. Every mom blog, social media account, influencer, everyone is talking about this. Which I also love because we need all the voices talking about the full range of motherhood.
But I like to keep it fresh around here. I like to talk about the things people DON”T talk about.
And I kept circling back to the three things I’m going to talk about today.
And how these three things are the things that ACTUALLY prepared me for motherhood.
And they’re not parenting books. They’re not baby books. They’re not books at all.
They’re not birthing or breastfeeding or CPR classes.
These three things do not include the “motherly intuition” that is apparently spontaneously downloaded into our brains as our babies exit our bodies.
There was no spontaneous download of some sort of comprehensive, exhaustive manual that made me know how to feel that he’s warm, or tell that he’s hungry not tired, or understand that hekipokter means helicopter.
No, today I’m sharing with you the three things that ACTUALLY prepared me for the reality of motherhood, not the myth we are sold.
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