November 29, 2021

Ok, you know that if you’re in my space, we are going to talk about buttholes at some point, right? Right. If you’re new around here, I will talk about my b-hole a lot. Because when your butthole has been torn in half and then repaired, it changes you. And when it comes to childbirth SO many people sugar coat thing, or “don’t remember,” or are afraid to speak openly because they are nervous about what they’ll say.
Today’s guest Joanne Adams is my people. She blew me away when she submitted her hilarious article “Incontinence to Confidence” to pstprtm.com. I knew we would get along well and I immediately invited her to be on the show. Joanne Adams is an internationally certified life and success coach working with new moms who want to feel like they have their sh!t together.
Cheerleading for the messy-bun mamas who feel at a loss or a crossroads in life, Joanne’s coaching provides a roadmap that leads them to (re)discover and completely uplevel themselves, without sacrificing time away from their babies.
An advocate for the unpolished life, she lives in Edinburgh with her partner in a house ruled by two unruly red-haired baby girls.
Find out more at www.takemessyaction.com and follow her on IG @messyactionmom
Want to learn more about Alissa, what she does, and why she does it? Visit www.alissa-alter.com and follow on IG @alissaalter
- Learn more about Joanne at www.takemessyaction.com
- Follow Joanne on IG @messyactionmom
- Incontinence to Confidence… Joanne’s brilliant article at pstprtm
- Episode 20: The Three Things I Need You To Know About Your Body
- Follow Me on instagram @alissaalter
- Download your FREE guide to the 20 Things No One Tells You About Pregnancy and Postpartum, visit www.alissa-alter.com
- Join our private Facebook community Mom’s Club for the community of like minded, intentional moms hanging out in a 100% judgement free zone you’ve always dreamed of.
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