February 21, 2022

Neurodivergent or neurotypical, all children present their own unique challenges. This week’s guest Jess Quarello, born in Sweden and raised in North Carolina, talks about the differences and similarities in her two daughters. Her second daughter was born with Down’s Syndrome propelled her into a life of advocacy and community.
Because we talk about everything here, we discuss social assumptions and ignorance around children with disabilities and their parents, gory childbirth, and hemorrhoids.
Jess began her career in Musical Theater before transitioning to modeling and fashion. She now lives in Hoboken, NJ with her husband and two daughters.
- Learn more about Jess and Extra Lucky Moms here
- Follow Jess on instagram, tik tok, and Extra Lucky Moms on IG
- Jess’ article for pstprtm
- Alissa’s article for Extra Lucky Moms
- Follow Me on instagram @alissaalter
- Download your FREE guide to the 20 Things No One Tells You About Pregnancy and Postpartum, visit www.alissa-alter.com
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