My current mantra
January 27, 2025

I’m going to keep it short this time which…is unlike me. I’m a talker.
I want to take extra care with what I’m sharing today because it’s important. I don’t want to belabor the topic nor do I want to intrude on your space to sit with this idea.
Because what I’m sharing today really can change your life. I mean…ALTER you life ← See what I did there?
Before we dive in, I URGE you to download the free workout because increasing your fluency in your body is no longer optional.
Ok, let’s get to it.
After the election in November I went numb. It was maybe two weeks later when I finally cried. I spoke to my therapist about it and realized the core of what I was feeling was very deep, true vulnerability.
As a woman and a mother, forgetting the fact that I’m also Jewish, I have never been this vulnerable.
My body and my health are vulnerable because it’s their choice. My soul is vulnerable because it now walks outside of my body in two different directions.
And yet, when I get on my mat, when I get to the studio or gym, when I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and move my body, I am safe again.
I am strong. I am seen. I am heard. I am believed. I listen and I challenge and I grow constantly. I TRUST MY BODY AND I TRUST MYSELF.
I am safe inside my body.
Since the election my desire to be my strongest self has kicked into even higher gear! It’s not just about my back walkovers (which I’ve made huge progress with!), splits, handstands, etc. I feel the need to like…be able to win a fight.
I am ready to be on the defensive because…I have to defend by body! I have to fight for our right to…BE!
I recently worked with a client, and two time podcast guest here on the show, who lives in LA. Hi Abby!!! She was at her sister’s house for cleaner air and peace of mind.
Stress was running high given the city is LITERALLY on fire.
Something we have been working on is strength.
She and I have worked together via recorded programming, live virtual sessions, and everything in between for about two years now.
When we started our focus was alignment (Where her vagina is pointing of course – and if you haven’t downloaded the free workout to find out where yours is pointing, DO THAT NOW!) and getting to know what’s going on in and with her body. Getting reconnected and developing a fluency in her body and mind to know how to take care of her chronic back pain.
Now that we’ve established and reinforced a strong, stable, reliable foundation we are adding straight up strength. Lifting weights without being weird about it. Progressively overloading intelligently.
The same way you don’t just get up off the couch and run a marathon, you don’t grab 20 lb dumbbells and start pumping iron. Instead, you start exactly where you are, get a lay of the land, and progress from there!
So as we worked together, honoring the stress levels, honoring how much strength she’s already built and created in her body, mind, and self…
I shared with her what I’ve been thinking, feeling, metabolizing since the election. Something I know YOU need to hear. Even if you already know it, it cannot be overstated given the circumstances.
It may not be safe outside, but you are safe INSIDE your body.
Your body may not be safe under this political administration AND you are safe INSIDE your body.
Or at least you can be ← DOWNLOAD THE WORKOUT!
In that session with my client, in her sister’s garage gym, she lifted the heaviest weights she’s EVER lifted ← After a chronic back injury this is HUGE!
She is safe INSIDE her body.
I am safe IN my body.
Repeat after me: “I am safe INSIDE my body.”
And after you finish the free workout you have already downloaded or are about to download and feel you need help feeling even safer? Email me!
As always, I’ve got your back. I’ve got your front. And I’ve got your undercarriage.
Xo, Alissa