55: IT’S 50/50 NOT 1950
April 18, 2022

Our second DAD on the show!
Have you ever wondered why we see more action toward equality in the workplace than we do at home? That we find it easier to navigate these discrepancies with HR than our partner? That parenting feels like 1950 instead of 50/50? This week’s guest Michael Perry, the founder of Maple, felt that way too. So yea, it’s not in our heads, a MAN felt it too!
Michael Perry (He/Him) is the Founder and CEO of Maple, a company focused on building a better world for all parents. Prior to founding Maple, Michael founded Kit, which he sold to Shopify in 2016 and worked for over four years as an executive overseeing Marketing Technology. He has been included on Forbes’ 30 under 30 list, recognized by Inc. Magazine for his contributions in the messaging space, and named one of the top marketing executives in the world by Business Insider. Michael Currently lives in California with his wife, 2 sons, and two bulldogs.
Check out the amazing things Maple has going on at www.growmaple.com including a panel From Woman To Mother: A Panel Discussing This Shift In Identity that I will be speaking at on May 6th 3-4pm est. Register here.
I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did. You may want to grab a crystal, some incense, and like a tarot card because that’s how deep we go.
Learn more about Alissa at www.alissa-alter.com and subscribe to the newsletter here because there are some exciting alterations coming up and I don’t want you to miss out!
And if this resonated with you, share with a friend! Sharing is caring after all 🙂
See you next week!