May 9, 2022

I hate not being in control. And being a mom means I am not in control. In fact, I’m completely out of control. Oof. Just saying that makes me nauseous.
Want to know something really cool that I do when I feel scared and out of control? I become extra controlling. It’s awesome. Truly. Ask my husband how awesome it is, he will tell you it’s the best. It’s this vicious cycle I get caught in. A spinning hamster wheel I can’t get off so I stay on even though it makes me motion sick.
And the thing is I don’t really want to control everything as a mom. I don’t want to control, dominate, or micromanage Everett or Jeremy or even myself for that matter. I want Everett to be empowered, to know I trust him, and most importantly to trust himself.
In this episode I talk about embracing 5 Rules of Improv and the No Plan Plan to help me feel grounded when everything goes bananas. Because we know, motherhood doesn’t always go as planned.
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