August 2, 2021
Are you lifting the right weights?
Do you ever find yourself doing the same thing over and over again determined to get a new or different result, but it’s just not happening?
- But the instagram influencer told me this is what she eats and the workouts she does and look at her!
- It’s input vs output so I’m putting a little and putting out a lot! It will work eventually.
- Fall down seven times, get up eight, right? I just need to persevere.
Einstein called this insanity. And he was pretty smart.
If you keep doing the same thing over and over again, that’s all you know. You are reinforcing over and over again patterns and habits that lead you to that exact same outcome.
You know what’s coming right? Are you mad at me?
In order to get the results you want, in order to make change, you have to do something different.
There. I said it.
This applies to your workouts, the books you choose to read, the accounts you follow, the way you think, and you react.
And since becoming a mother I’ve been examining myself and why I am the way I am. Why I make certain decisions and why do I hold my beliefs. Are they actually mine? Where did they come from?
I left for college skilled at taking orders and meeting expectations. Between my parents, teachers, directors, and choreographers I was an Olympic People Pleaser. And I was rewarded for that so I continued that because it worked. Until it didn’t.
I filed for divorce, left my career in theater, stepped out in the real world, and had no idea what to do with myself. I didn’t have any skills to make decisions for myself without someone else’s opinion or direction.
So I started training. And thankfully I’ve always been a fast learner.
This is why I’ve started training Everett early. I want him to know he is strong, capable, and trustworthy.
- Download your FREE guide to the 20 Things No One Tells You About Pregnancy and Postpartum, visit www.alissa-alter.com.
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