December Update
December 1, 2022

Welcome to our monthly round up email where we go over highlights from the previous months, what’s coming up for the month ahead, and I share quotes, books, songs, things that have been inspiring me or feels important to share with you!
If you’re happy hearing from me once a month, I love that! Enjoy this monthly update!
If you’d like to be in touch more often, check out Alter Your Life on Substack!
And if you haven’t checked out the podcast yet, I highly recommend it (I’m also completely biased). You can listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and all other podcast platforms and you can also watch episodes on YouTube!
Remember to follow, subscribe, rate, review, and SHARE!
Your support is always appreciated and remember, I’ve got your back. I’ve got your front. And I’ve got your undercarriage.
Xo, Alissa
I realize Thanksgiving week went by and I didn’t write anything about gratitude. I instead shared about how I’m keeping my shit together while everything around me changes. We bought a house, we are moving, and I’m still pregnant! So my body, my home, my environment, my entire life is changing and I’m here trying to keep it together!
I wrote about this on Substack (if you don’t subscribe already, get on it!) and keep returning to this question of “What am I available for?”
It’s been interesting because most of my energy is…taken. So much is going on and there is a little parasite in my womb literally sucking the life out of me. Taking over my body for whatever it needs and leaving me with the leftovers. And then I have a son, a husband, and a life! So there isn’t a lot left that’s available for anything else. So I have to be judicious. But the truth is…I’m not being judicious…
…I’m being ruthless.
And it feels awesome. Maybe it’s age, maybe it’s wisdom, maybe it’s pregnancy, but it feels really cool to be so centered in my boundaries. To know and see so clearly how much taking care of myself, honoring myself, NOT abandoning myself IS taking care of others. This is the foundation of my being able to show up as the best version of myself.
And right now it feels like I don’t have a choice. I know I always do. And I’m including me in my choices. And it feels easier right now because I don’t have a ton of extra energy or time available AND I’m noticing, memorizing, and obviously journaling about how this feels in my body and my life so I can remember this is always a choice I have. Even when I have more energy available, I don’t always have to be available.
And yes, I just finished ranting about how tired I am and that I have no energy available AND I have not one, but TWO free gifts for you! I can’t help myself!
YOUR Self-Care Menu!!! Download here! Read more about it here!
Gifting Made Easy which you can check out on the blog here!
I know you’re inundated with lists and gifts and all the things and I hope these meet you where you’re at, support you, and make things a little bit easier.
As always, I’ve got your back. I’ve got your front. And I’ve got your undercarriage.
Xo, Alissa
Highlights from November…
- We closed on our house! We literally move in two weeks and I can still barely believe it! We. Bought. A. House! When did I become such an adult?!?!?!
- I started the newest group of Pilates For Your Privates and am so excited to be working with these amazing women! Coming together from all over the country and building a strong foundation to get them through the bumpy road of life and motherhood! Whenever I launch a new group I think “Why did I do this?! I’m so tired!” And then we start and I think “I LOVE THIS! Why don’t I do more of these?!”
- I’m still taking dance class while I’m in the city and I LOVE IT! What is something you can do today for the sole reason that it brings you joy?
- I finished my book proposal! I’ve been working on it for a while and talking about it for even longer. I can hardly believe it’s finished!
- Finally shared the four part Pelvic Floor series on the podcast! Did you miss it? You’re not too late! You can listen to it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or watch on YouTube!
What’s coming in December…
- Um…did I mention we are moving?! 😱
- Some changes to the podcast. Because I have less energy available, I’m switching up the structure of the podcast! Every other week you’ll get a full length episode and in between a shorter episode either answering a question from the community (that’s you!) or an audio movement practice, thought provoking quote or song, or something else to inspire and support you! If you don’t already follow or subscribe to the show, you can do that on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Youtube!
- Pilates For OUR Privates! Connecting with the crew and learning alongside them! This body keeps changing and I need Pilates For MY Privates as I move through this 40 week marathon of pregnancy and childbirth. This work helped me so much last time and is THE REASON I recovered so well from my birth injury. I want to set myself up for success again so I am staying consistent with my practice and constantly checking on where MY vagina is pointing.
- I’m going to up my nesting and resting game. It’s hibernation season and I AM FEELING IT! Plus I have a new house to make a home!!!
- Oh. I’ve also been working on this, I haven’t officially announced it yet and will in the new year, but if you want a sneak peek, just click here!
What I’m Reading:
Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching, The Book Of The Way
What I’m Listening To:
Still Meghan Trainor. Can’t stop, won’t stop.
What I’m Watching:
Grey’s Anatomy. It’s better than I expected and also, why is this show still on?!