I Need Pilates For MY Privates
November 9, 2022
Last week on the podcast I went on about how my name means change, I’m built for this, and it’s the reason I rebranded my podcast and yada yada yada.
Here we are a week later, the clocks have changed, we are selling our apartment, we bought a house, our family is growing, we are leaving Brooklyn, we are leaving the whole city, our entire effing lives are changing.
And I’m supposed to be built for this, right?
I have all sorts of tools on top of this being part of who I am, right?
Don’t I sort of teach people how to handle change?
So why then am I losing my fucking shit???
I’m mean to my really nice husband. I lose patience with my son. I feel like nothing I do is of value. I feel like a drain on my family’s resources. I feel like I’m wasting your time. I feel…I feel…I feel…
Like I am in the midst of yet another HUGE transition.
And if you listened to Transitions Are Expensive, which is one of my favorite podcast episodes, we know this is where the magic happens. And I know that when I get to the other side of The Discomfort Zone (another favorite episode) I will look back on this with a completely different lens. But for right now, I hate this.
I feel completely out of control of my work, my emotions, my body, my life, myself. AND THERE’S BASICALLY NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT EXCEPT TAKE IT OUT ON SWEET, PATIENT, KIND, JEREMY! Who only partially deserves it because he does say some dumb things something (Jeremy, I’m sorry to do this publicly, but we both know it’s true).
So I guess what I’m saying is big things are coming.
When I gave birth to Everett, my whole life (and my undercarriage) exploded. I know that no matter how hard you try, you can’t prepare for everything. AND I’m still going to control what I can and use the tools I have to stay as centered and grounded as possible during the insanity.
Do you want to know how I’m going to do that?
Do you want to know how I’m going to set myself up for success?
Do you want to know how I’m going to stay centered in the chaos as everything changes around me and I work to surrender and ride the wave?
Pilates For MY Privates! And I’m inviting you to join me.
Before I married Jeremy I created my first online course Pilates For Your Privates: Foundations 101 – 6 weeks to stronger muscles, better sex, and confident sneezes. The women who participated saw incredible results like…
Before working with Alissa I thought doing Kegels was just about squeezing your b-hole but now, after working together, I know that there are so many different muscles and – therefore – different ways to isolate and strengthen those individual muscles and feel….. like I know what I’m doing for the first time! Kate – Paris, FR
Alissa is just amazing to work with. She creates a safe space where I feel supported and comfortable to speak freely and candidly about my body. Most importantly, we laugh – a lot. Crista – New York, USA
Before working with Alissa I was concerned about prolapse and a general feeling of heaviness in my vagina. With regular, focused exercise I feel more secure in my sexuality. I’ve started attending my local yoga class again without worrying about ‘leaking’ urine. Working with Alissa made me feel stronger and engaged in a community. Wendy – Ontario, CA
I mean…I’m blushing. I cannot tell you what an honor it si that something that I created and share has this kind of impact on women’s lives!!!
During my pregnancy with Everett I went big and created FOUR additional 6 week online courses for each trimester of the motherhood journey including the fourth trimester.
What do people have to say about these courses? I’m glad you asked…
Let’s just say at 7 months pregnant, having already had one baby, this hand mirror exercise was… eye opening. Super subtle, but all the muscles fire! Cassie – California, USA
I liked having a time each week to focus on me and my health during pregnancy and to check in with how I’m feeling mentally and physically and getting to move in a safe way. There’s so much info out there about exercise during and it can be hard to decipher on Google but I knew Alissa never steer us wrong. Katie – California, USA
Before working with Alissa, I was struggling with peeing my pants when sneezing and during certain physical activities. After working with Alissa I now keep up with the exercises I’ve learned to realign my posture. The best part about working with Alissa is that it works AND it’s so fun! Manisha – New York, USA
Before working with Alissa I was struggling with bladder control and prolapse. Since working with Alissa my leakage has greatly improved and I feel so much better and more in control of the whole situation. I was at a complete loss and her knowledge and sense of humor gave me hope again. Rachel – New York, USA
I am in awe of these women who refused to stay stuck or accept “It’s normal to wet yourself” as part of becoming a mother. THIS IS WHY I DO WHAT I DO! BECAUSE WE DESERVE MORE!
I’ve been taking a dose of my own medicine by taking my own course and I have to say, it’s gooooood. I’ve had next to no energy, been constantly nauseous, super hormonal (read: mean to Jeremy), AND I’ve been able to connect with my body and my breath and reinforce a strong foundation in my body to help me get through the day.
Something that really grinds my gears is that once a women is TTC, pregnant, or postpartum we are guided toward fearing our bodies. There’s so much we can’t or shouldn’t do and so much focus on that we are terrified to do anything! I mean, that’s part of womanhood right? Being afraid, distant, and ashamed of what our bodies do? I vote hell no!
THERE IS SO MUCH YOU CAN DO!!!!!! Whether you’re pregnant, postpartum, trying to conceive, actively trying NOT to conceive, experience painful sex, pee when you sneeze/laugh/jump, THERE IS STILL SO MUCH YOU CAN DO!
We do not need to live in fear of our bodies. I will NOT live in fear of my body. And I’m straight up not going to let you live this way either.
So join me!
Starting November 21st you can sign up for whichever course supports you best exactly where YOU are! The courses are self-led and during the 6 weeks we will meet for LIVE Q&A calls to answer questions, dive in deeper around WTF is happening in our bodies, and support the living daylights out of each other as we experience all that being a woman has to offer.
Because my whole world is about to explode again. And while I can’t really do anything to stop or control it, I can build strength, resilience, and agility now.
And so can you!
To learn more about Pilates For YOUR Privates and secure your spot click…
HERE for Foundations 101
HERE for the Pregnancy Roadmap
HERE for the Postpartum Revival
To learn more about the pelvic floor, why we have one, what you can do to support your own body and connect to this physical and energetic powerhouse between your legs, listen to this week’s episode of Alter Your Life the podcast! This is part one of a four part series talking explicitly about the pelvic floor and why it’s time to start caring about wtf is going on with your vag!
If you’re reading this and don’t have a vag, thank you for being here! And share this with someone who does! Be a part of this conversation and empower the women in your life to get empowered in their body, be a part of the solution!
Ok, that was a lot for one day. Should this have just stayed in my journal?
You got this. And I’ve got you, your back, your front, and your undercarriage.
Xo, Alissa