My Mother Says ‘Jews Don’t Have Baby Showers’ But I’m Having One Anyway

This article was the first time I was paid to write something! What a milestone! And about something that is so big for me. 

I was raised in a very traditional and religious household. It was never a question that I would marry a Jewish man and have a Jewish family. My first wedding was officiated by a rabbi and the only reason it was ok that I didn’t have my shoulders covered was because we weren’t in a Synagogue and probably also because my godmother died weeks before and my family simply didn’t have it in them to fight me on this. 

Thankfully by the time I planned my second wedding my parents weren’t as concerned with religion as my happiness. My husband is half Jewish; The wrong half, but it’s fine because our kids will be Jewish. Yet, when it came time to celebrate my pregnancy with our son my mom did not agree with having a baby shower. 

In this article I talk about how I approached my more traditional upbringing where a baby shower is bad luck and decided that I wanted to celebrate every single aspect of building my dream family. And how my mom handled it when all she could hear in her mind was her grandmother saying “Jews don’t do that.” In yiddish of course!


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