November Monthly Update
November 9, 2022

Quote that’s inspiring me right now
Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing.
I saw this quote on instagram recently and it stopped me in my tracks. It made me think of some of the clients I’m working with and it really brought me back to the last days of my first marriage.
The days when I realized that I was zero percent dependent on my ex after years of believing I would never be able to support myself because I was a starving artist. But after he quit his job and didn’t get another one, I supported both of us. And suddenly I realized I wasn’t stuck. I had options.
So…what was I choosing?
Now whenever I feel stuck I ask myself this because I know I have more options, more control, more say in what’s going on than I’ve been led to believe.
And now I ask you, what are you choosing? Feel free to comment below and share what you’re choosing.
Highlights from October…
✨ I started taking dance classes again. I wrote about it here. I knew it would be emotional as it’s been almost 4 years since I’ve been in a dance class in person. I took a few ballet classes when I was pregnant with Everett, but other classes felt too overwhelming and…loaded after my dance career. I’m working through it, but I’m still pretty effing jaded! AAAANNNNDDDD I love dancing. I absolutely love it and I always will and I was overwhelmed by how GOOD to felt to dance for me and nothing else.
✨ I wrote about what I learned from overplucking my eyebrows here… I get why chokers and flared jeans are back, but thin eyebrows??? WHY?!?!?!?
✨ Everett got his third Covid vaccine. Cue HUGE sigh of relief. And it turns out all of the cliches about motherhood are true…
✨ I got to interview some incredible people for the podcast:
- You Always Have The Potential To Create: Connecting To The Lunar Cycles + Cosmos with Transformational Astrologer Corina Crysler
- Stopping The War With Our Private Parts with Emily Sauer, Founder of OhNut
- Breathe For Your Health: Finding Balance and Hope with Patricia Ladis PT, CBBA
✨ And I was interviewed on Labor Stories, Twinkie Chronicles (I think there’s a new name coming for this show, but the host is a twin so that’s where the name came from), and Moms With Purpose stay tuned for when they go live!
✨ The FREE 5-Day pelvic Floor Challenge was a HUGE success! I loved getting DMs and messages from people saying they couldn’t believe what they were capable of downstairs! And sharing the impact and power that came from looking at themselves in the mirror (not at their eyebrows…) I know this probably sounds cheesy, but I really do love facilitating these lightbulb moments for people.
If you participated and learned something new, please feel free to reply to this and let me know! I love hearing from you!
Last, but certainly not least…
I know. We’ve been looking on and off for over a year and the market has been crazy and it still is and after losing a few and NOT getting our hopes up (I literally sulked through this open house because of how sad it was we wouldn’t get to live there) we got the house of our dreams!
So…the next few months will be bananas as we sell our apartment, pack, and move to NEW JERSEY! We are heading back to dirty Jerz, the land where Jeremy and I were both born and raised.
Anyone in the mood for pork roll?
What’s coming in November…
More pelvic floor magic if you’re pregnant, postpartum, or none of the above! I created Pilates For Your Privates because I was sick and tired of being told to “use my pelvic floor” without any specific instruction.
Does that mean squeeze my butt cheeks? Hold my pee in? Hold in a fart? Bear down? Scoop in? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!?! And if you’re like me and tried to ask these questions, you were probably met with euphemisms that don’t really clarify anything. So if you’re interested in learning about the anatomy of YOUR body, YOUR pelvic floor, and WTF to do with it in your life, during each trimester of pregnancy, and postpartum, then you def want to check them out.
And to hold you over slash give you a taste of how I present such intimate material, check out this video and let me know what you think in the comments 😉
Thanksgiving! Remember this video to help aid digestion? Keep it on hand to keep things moving 😉
Songs stuck in my head:
Lizzo always and Meghan Trainor has a new album so I’ve been VB (very busy) with that…
What I’m reading:
What I’m watching:
It’s When Harry Met Sally season so… that’s what I’m up to…