The Golden Hour Birth Podcast – Part 2 of 2
September 19, 2022

Alissa Alter aka “The Amy Poehler of vaginas” shares the second half of her story.
Alissa suffered from a 4th degree tear (an extensive tear that goes from the vagina to the rectum). She had an extremely tough postpartum not only physically but emotionally and mentally as well. She was very disappointed in the lack of support and education on how to handle her recovery. Due to her previous education in pelvic health, her tear healed well and she had a successful recovery.
As a result of her experiences, she started two podcasts and a website that focuses on education, empowerment and advocating for women’s health. She is changing the narrative surrounding postpartum!
If you checked out this post about part 1 of this podcast, you will see there were more extensive show notes.
I can’t help but wonder… ← This is me channeling my inner Carrie Bradshaw
…Is this a reflection of the relationship between the birth itself and the period after? Is there a parallel here between how much we focus on the birth itself instead of postpartum? Is this because I already talk so much about postpartum and not the birth itself?
I don’t share the details of my actual birth as often as I talk about the aftermath.
As I think about this I think there are two reasons
- Over correcting for how much focus was on the birth during pregnancy instead of preparing for postpartum
- It was really scary.
My experience was scary. Having a baby is magical. My birth experience was not. I’m not making a statement about all births, I’m talking about mine. So maybe the imbalance in the show notes and my thoughts in response are more a reflection of what needs to be explored now.
I talk about postpartum a lot. I’ve shared my story in various ways on various platforms. Less so with my actual birth story.
So maybe all of this is perfect.