The power of consistency, even when it feels impossible
December 22, 2024

Last week I released a new podcast episode with my friend and artist Lisa Piccirillo. Her new album Radiate is available on all platforms and it’s medicine for the soul.
I have a GREAT idea. Download your FREE workout and then play Radiate while you move and connect to your body! Ok, brb I’m going to go do that because it sounds like heaven…
Lisa and I talked about so many things I’m 100% obsessed with. We’ve known each other for over two decades so there’s a level of intimacy there, ya know? I know you know.
The topic that stuck with not only me, but those of you who have messaged me about this, is how difficult it is to create consistency for yourself. When life is so erratic it IS really hard to create consistency.
And yet…
The power of consistency is…bananas. When you are consistent with your practices, it Radiates out and permeates your entire life and how you show up in the world. ← See what I did there?
So I want to share with you stories about three of my clients where one small step toward consistency had a HUGE impact.
I have a client who lives in LA. She’s 77, grandma of two energetic boys, is very active and loves to ski. She also has one leg that’s longer than the other so has had chronic back and hip issues her whole life.
She came to me because she was in a lot of pain. The boys are now big enough to really throw her body off kilter. She doesn’t have time for this because she cares for them three days a week and she knew she wanted to ski this next winter.
We had our first session and I gave her one exercise to do as homework. Something simple to add to her existing daily routine.
She added this simple homework assignment and when I saw her the following week the pain was gone.
That was seven months ago. She meets with me regularly, she is CONSISTENT with her workouts and homework and the pain has not returned.
This next story is about a prospective client! We hadn’t even had a session yet! She wants to work with me because after having two children she feels like a stranger in her body, passing the mirror thinking “WHO IS THAT?” and wants to feel strong and centered again.
We scheduled a call so I could learn more about her history and goals and figure out what makes sense in terms of working together.
When we get on the call she’s sweaty and a little out of breath. She saw our meeting on her calendar and thought she should probably workout before seeing me.
The accountability of having the appointment on her calendar inspired her to get on the treadmill and move her body!
When you have systems in place to keep you accountable, CONSISTENCY is much easier.
Ok, one more client I want to tell you about. Forty year old mom of two. 18 months post c section and former Broadway performer. Has goals of doing back walkovers and handstand variations while also getting back to dancing in a way that feels free.
With big goals like this, she was tempted to rush the process. GO big or go home, right?
Instead, she went slow. She did my online postpartum program during naps for as long as the baby allowed. She found moments throughout the day to throw a stretch in to reestablish mobility. She used the baby as a weight to build strength.
As the baby got older and slept more reliably she added longer workouts. She really leaned into modifications in order to keep moving without furthering any imbalances or perinatal compensations in order to really connect to her new alignment.
She doesn’t work out every day. But when she works out, the modifications, the exercises, the classes, the programming are all in line with her goals.
To feel confident in her body and free to do all of the moves and tricks she loves.
By working this way, her body started adapting and the moves and tricks trickled in. Quietly, slowly, and by doing little movement snacks throughout the day.
And guess what, she just did her first back walkover since….maybe 2012?
IT’S ME! I’M THE CLIENT WHO DID THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You knew that right?
Did you notice that in each of these stories with each of these people, consistency shows up in a different way? Because consistency means a few different things and also…
Consistency doesn’t mean what you think it does.
Let’s start with the definition of consistency.
There are a variety of definitions of consistency depending on the context. Consistency of food is different from the consistency of the quality of my moisturizer which is still different from the consistency with which I take care of myself. Not just working out, but fully, wholly, holistically taking care of myself from every direction.
For the purpose of this think piece I’m going to lean more on definitions that reflect consistency in terms of harmony and logical coherence within a logical system.
So thinking of consistency in the context of…
- Being in agreement or harmony with the whole or with parts of the whole.
- Being logically coherent in and in alignment with the facts.
- Being part of a system where all facets are in alignment and do not contradict each other.
Notice how there’s nothing about these things happening in a specific order every single day?
Notice how reasonable this is?
Notice how you can be consistent without being weird about it?
Consistency feels so hard in life and parenting because we operate like the word and practice means doing something in the exact same way all of the time. And yes, there is a definition that includes the quality of behaving or performing in a similar way, that doesn’t mean the exact same way.
What I’m saying is…
- You do not have to meditate every single day to benefit from it.
- You do not have to lift heavy the same number of days every single week in order to benefit from it.
- You can prioritize a plant based diet, eat a steak, and still benefit from all of the plants.
Like everything else, consistency doesn’t live in a binary.
Do you see how clarifying our definition around consistency opens up the potential for this to be something we can actually accomplish? And accomplish while parenting???
So let’s get into how to re-approach your practice of consistency.
First, what is the thing you want to be consistent with?
Let’s say you want to be consistent with exercise! Great! I love this.
This is super broad so I’d ask you.
Why is that?
And maybe you’d say well, I’m 45 and already feel kinda creaky. I have two kids and I want to be able to do things with them. I also really want to look into the mirror and recognize the body I see.
Those are a lot of great reasons to want to be consistent with exercise!
What happens if you do all of this? What do you get?
And this could go so many ways! I Want to have as close of a relationship as possible with my children. shared experiences will give us something to do together to stay connected.
I’ll feel sexy again.
I’ll feel like myself.
What happens if you don’t exercise regularly? What do you lose?
I know my answers, but I’m really curious about yours. What happens if you can’t do things with your kids, partner, friends, family and don’t have shared experiences with them to build a closer relationship?
What happens if you continue to feel un-sexy?
What happens if you keep not feeling like yourself?
What does it really cost you to NOT move toward your goals?
I want you to really ask yourself and answer these questions truthfully.
Because it’s almost 2025 and if you don’t make a move you’ll be right here next year with the same goals as this year.
I won’t stand for it.
You deserve all of your dreams AND a bag of chips.
Here’s my advice…
Start small
- Preset a small glass of water on your nightstand to drink first thing in the morning.
- When you get into bed at night, read one page of a book before scrolling.
- Do ONE stretch a day.
The first step starts with one step so this is your permission slip to go for it. Sign up for the program. Buy the package. Set the alarm. Start today. Start right now!
Then repeat this out loud:
I take INCREDIBLE care of the people I love. And that includes ME! I love myself as fiercely and relentlessly as I love my people and I prioritize and protect myself accordingly. I am obsessed with myself because I am [insert favorite expletive] awesome.
You got this and I got you.
In fact…as always…I’ve got your back. I’ve got your front. And I’ve got your undercarriage.
Xo, Alissa